§ 407-3. Nonliability.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The Groton Water Department does not guarantee the consumer a full volume of water beyond optimal service levels or the required pressure per square inch necessary to effectively operate hydraulic elevators, sprinkler systems or other appliances, the same being subject to all the variable conditions that may take place in the use of water from the municipal water system.
    No consumer shall be entitled to damages or to have payment refunded for any interruption of supply occasioned either by accident to any portion of the municipal water system or by shutting off for the purpose of additions or repairs to the municipal water system or by the stoppage or shortage of supply due to causes beyond the control of the Water Department, including, without limitation thereof, drought, earthquake, fire or flood, terrorism, act of God or other.
    The Groton Water Department will not be responsible for damages caused by discolored water resulting from normal water operations, such as opening or closing of any gate for repairs, the use of any hydrants or the breaking of any pipe.
    The Groton Water Department assumes no liability for conditions which exist in a consumer's pipes and cause trouble coincident to or following the repairs of any main pipe, service pipe, meter or other appliance belonging to the Water Department.
    The Groton Water Department reserves the right at any time without notice to shut off the water in the municipal water system for the purpose of making repairs, extensions or for other necessary purposes. As far as time permits, the Water Department shall make every reasonable attempt to notify customers. Persons having boilers or other appliances on their premises depending on the pressure in the pipes to keep them supplied with water are hereby cautioned against danger from these sources and are required to provide, at their own expense, suitable safety appliances to protect themselves against such danger. In any event, it is expressly stipulated that the Water Department will not be liable for any damage resulting from water having been cut off, either through accident or necessity, but shall only be liable for injury or damage resulting from its failure to use reasonable care during such cut-offs.
    In the case of installation outside of the optimal operating service area of the Town of Groton Municipal Water System, the Department and the Town will not be responsible for enhancing the pressure and flow beyond the public right-of-way.