§ 407-4. General regulations.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    New services or water main extensions must be completed by November 15 and may not be installed again until April 15, except in such cases as the Water Superintendent deems necessary.
    The Board of Water Commissioners has the right to restrict the use of water during dry seasons or under any other emergency conditions (MGL C. 40, § 41A). See Chapter 91, Water Use Restrictions.
    All persons are forbidden to shut off water from any pipe or hydrant of the Water Department without the approval of the Water Superintendent. No person, without the consent of the Water Superintendent or other authorized representative, shall open a hydrant or any other fixture intended only for fire protection for any purpose other than extinguishing a fire, except Fire Department personnel, with prior approval, for the purpose of practice. Only Water Department personnel or persons authorized by the Water Department may open hydrants for other approved uses. Where use of water from a hydrant for a purpose other than extinguishing a fire has been requested and approved, the usage shall be metered and appropriate rates fees shall be assessed.
    Any eligible person or corporation who desires public water supply to serve a new development or a water main extension in Groton must first make a written request to the Water Department to see if it has the capacity to supply the water (Water System Impact Report). Water Department specifications must be followed. Record drawings are required for all main and service installations. All costs, including engineering, are to be the responsibility of the applicant or owner.
    Specifications will include, but will not be restricted to, the size of the main, services, valves and meters, hydrants as needed, loops where beneficial, materials, chlorination and testing.
    No representative of the Water Department has the authority to change or modify said rules, and the Water Department will not recognize or be bound by any claimed change or modification hereof. The rules and regulations of the Water Department may be altered or amended at the discretion of the Board of Water Commissioners and shall form a part of the contract with every water taker and all persons taking water from the Department shall be deemed to accede to and be bound thereby.
    The Board of Water Commissioners reserves the right to change or amend these rules and regulations, except for rates and fees, and make additions thereto or exceptions therefrom at any time without advance notice and to establish and assess penalties for violations, including the right to suspend water service. Any changes to the rates and fees structure shall be subject to the public hearing process.
    The Water Department in no way assumes any responsibility for frozen service lines. Necessary thawing of lines and any repairs are the responsibility of the owner, and bills submitted for these charges are payable upon presentation.
    No electrical or telephone grounds shall be permitted on any water service lines and/or mains.