§ 381-13. Other improvements.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Required locations.
    Sidewalks within the street right-of-way shall be provided as follows:
    Collector street: each side.
    Minor street: one side.
    Lane: one side.
    In addition, public off-street walkways, bikeways or bridle paths may be required by the Board to provide circulation or access to schools, playgrounds, parks, shopping, transportation, open space or community facilities or to break up long blocks or for such other reason as the Board may determine. Such ways may or may not be part of normal sidewalk provisions, but they shall not be a part of any lot in the subdivision and they shall be located in separate parcels.
    Width and alignment. Sidewalk pavement width shall be five feet on collector streets and four feet elsewhere and, except at intersections, shall be separated from the traveled way by not less than the required shoulder width. Sidewalks shall be constructed around the entire circumference of a cul-de-sac. See the Cul-de-Sac Layout Detail. Such pavement width may meander, reflecting and protecting existing topography, trees, ledge and other site features. Ramps for the handicapped shall be provided at all intersections, driveways and at the end of all dead-end streets. They shall conform to the Architectural Access Board current regulations (521 CMR), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ANSI A117.1) current regulations.
    [Amended 5-2-1996; 7-5-2000]
    Editor's Note: The Cul-de-Sac Layout Detail is included at the end of this chapter.
    Construction. Sidewalks shall have a foundation of eight inches or more of compacted gravel. The paving shall consist of a binder course, 1 1/2 inches, followed by a finish course, 1 1/2 inches compacted measure, with a one-fourth-inch-per-foot cross-slope toward the road. Sidewalks shall be cement concrete where connected to an existing cement concrete sidewalk or where required by the Board.
    Grass plots and slopes. Embankments outside the shoulders and swales shall be evenly graded and pitched at a rate not steeper than 2:1 in cut and 3:1 in fill. The Board may require such banks and all other disturbed areas adjacent to the traveled way to be loamed and seeded to grass. However, it is suggested that consideration be given to the surrounding growth and terrain. Road sides should be made to blend with the woods or natural surroundings that exist, and plantings in such areas should be chosen accordingly.
    Street trees.
    Street trees, not less than 12 feet in height and 2 1/2 inches in diameter and of a species approved by the Planning Board, after consultation with the Tree Warden, shall be placed on each side of every street in the subdivision wherever, in the opinion of the Board, existing woodlands or suitable individual trees are not retained. A landscaping plan showing street trees, plantings and specifications for grass seed to be used on the road shoulders shall be submitted with the definitive plan.
    [Amended 5-2-1996; 8-7-1997]
    Placement of trees shall be as indicated on the typical roadway sections included at the end of this chapter. The applicant shall be responsible for any trees which do not remain upright and in good health until the road has been accepted by the Town.
    Curbing. If low-impact development techniques are utilized, granite curb inlets shall be installed at all roundings as required in § 381-10B(5). Granite curb inlets shall be provided for all catch basins located within the roadway as required in § 381-23, Curbs. If a conventional drainage system is utilized, curbing shall be installed as follows:
    [Amended 11-3-1994; 2-18-2016]
    Collector street and minor street. Both sides of the roads shall have granite curbing with a minimum thickness of six inches and shall not be less than 18 inches plus or minus one inch in depth.
    Lane. Both sides of the road shall have a bituminous Cape Cod berm, 12 inches wide with three-inch rise, except that, where necessitated for traffic control, drainage or maintenance, the Board may require vertical granite curbs.
    Driveway entrances.
    [Amended 11-3-1994]
    In order that surface water from roadways shall not drain onto individual lots, driveway entrances shall be constructed so that they slope towards the roadway for a minimum distance of four feet at not less than one inch per foot. All driveway entrances shown on the definitive plans shall be paved from the gutter line to the right-of-way line when the binder course and the top course are being placed on the roadway. Driveway entrances shall be constructed to the same specifications as the bituminous sidewalk.
    Any changes in driveway entrance location proposed after approval of the definitive plan shall be submitted to the Board for review and approval plan prior to construction. When granite curbing is used, return stones shall be installed at all driveway entrances prior to placing top course on the roadway.
    Street lines shall have bounds placed at all angle points, at the beginning and end of all curves and every 1,000 feet on straight lines. Such bounds shall be of sound granite, not less than three feet long and not less than five inches square, with a dressed top and one-half-inch drill hole. Reinforced concrete bounds will not be allowed.
    Every corner of each lot shall be marked with bounds or drill holes where a stone wall is the property line. Points-on-line may be allowed by the Planning Board when lot corners are located within wetland areas or watercourses. Where not coincident with the above, such bounds shall be sound granite or reinforced concrete, not less than three feet long and not less than three inches square, with a one-half-inch drill hole; any other permanent marker such as a steel survey marker may be substituted for the bound at the rear of the lot. Sound granite bounds shall be used at every lot corner of conservation land or parkland.
    [Amended 11-3-1994]
    Monuments shall be installed only after all construction which would disturb them is completed and shall, in general, have their top a minimum of three inches above final grade surface. Monuments shall be installed at lot corners prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit for the lot unless waived by the Planning Board.
    [Amended 4-3-2003]
    The placement and accurate location of these monuments shall be certified by a registered land surveyor and indicated on the as-built plan required at § 381-8C(1)(a).
    Street signs shall be provided and installed as directed by the Highway Surveyor. A street sign shall be placed at every intersection and shall clearly indicate if the road is a private way and shall state the name of each street. Street signs shall be installed prior to the issuance of any building permits.
    [Amended 8-7-1997]
    Cleaning up. The entire area must be cleaned up so as to leave a neat and orderly appearance free from debris and other objectionable materials and without unfilled holes or other artificially created hazards. Stump dumps or other wood waste disposal areas are prohibited.
    [Amended 7-5-2000; 6-12-2003]
    Maintenance. All roads must be properly maintained and plowed at the developer's expense to provide safe and adequate access to all occupied structures.
    [Added 7-5-2000]
    At the access to lots on a dead-end street, cul-de-sac or permanent turnaround, a sign shall be provided and installed as directed by the Fire Chief indicating the location and street numbers of all residential units accessed from the turnaround. All hammerhead lot driveways shall have a sign provided and installed at the intersection of the driveway and the street as directed by the Fire Chief indicating the house number or numbers of all residential units accessed by the driveway.
    [Added 4-3-2003]
    Open space and trail signage. Prior to the issuance of any occupancy permits, signs shall be provided and installed designating open space parcels. Trailhead posts shall be installed at the trail entrances along the right-of-way of the road. The location of the signs and trailhead posts shall be determined in consultation with the conservation organization managing the open space parcel and the Trails Committee. Additional trail markers shall be installed every 200 feet back from the road or at the rear corners of the adjacent lots if deemed necessary by the Trails Committee. Signs and trailhead posts shall conform to the specifications in the "Open Space Signs and Trailhead Posts" detail.
    [Added 4-3-2003]