§ 381-12. Municipal services.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Water shall be supplied to each lot in a subdivision, if a public water supply is located within 2,500 feet from the center line of the proposed street, the applicant shall connect all lots to the public water system. If a public system is not located within 2,500 feet, water main and appurtenances shall be installed in the new subdivision road for a future connection to a public water supply. The water main shall be pressure tested at the time of installation. The applicant shall consult with the Groton Water Department and/or the West Groton Water Supply District to determine the feasibility of water being supplied to the subdivision by these municipal entities, and the plans shall denote the locations of bends, watergates, tees and hydrants. In the event that such service is provided, the supply system piping and appurtenances shall be designed according to the standards and specifications of these companies. Where connection to a public system is not feasible, evidence shall be submitted to satisfy the Board of Health requirement that adequate and suitable supply of potable water is available.
    Water connections. A water connection shall be provided for each lot in the subdivision. The water connection shall be located along the frontage of the lot where the lot abuts the right-of-way of the road.
    Electricity and telephone. Electricity, cable television and telephone service shall be provided to each lot. All electrical, telephone and other utility wires shall be placed below ground in every subdivision, unless the Board determines that such placement is not feasible or is not in the best interest of the Town of Groton. Streetlights shall be installed at all intersections. The construction standards for electrical service lines and appurtenances, including street-lighting facilities, shall be designed according to specifications of the Groton Electric Light Department. Conduit with cable shall be installed anticipating future cable service. Light base and conduit for future streetlights shall be installed as specified by the Groton Electric Light Department. The streetlights within the subdivision may be of an alternative design acceptable to the Groton Electric Light Department.
    [Amended 4-3-2003; 6-12-2003]
    Fire protection.
    [Amended 5-2-1996; 8-7-1997]
    Sprinklers; cisterns; hydrants.
    [Amended 4-3-2003; 10-13-2016]
    When Town water is not available, fire sprinklers in every residential structure or fire cisterns shall be installed. While the Town of Groton prefers residential sprinkler systems, the choice of which fire protection solution to provide is entirely up to the developer.
    When residential sprinklers are selected by the developer, residential sprinkler systems shall be installed in accordance with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 13D (Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes), as modified. Residential sprinkler systems shall be accompanied by an affidavit, stamped by a Registered Professional Fire Protection Engineer, asserting that each system has been installed in compliance with the appropriate section of NFPA Standard 13D and is operational, prior to an occupancy permit being granted.
    When a cistern or cisterns are selected by the developer, the applicant must submit fire cistern design plans, stamped by a Registered Professional Fire Protection Engineer, to the Fire Chief for approval. If a proposed dwelling is not situated within 1,000 feet of a cistern, it shall be equipped with a residential sprinkler system. All proposed cisterns shall have a capacity of 50,000 gallons, minimum, available through the section piping system. Fire cisterns shall conform to the cistern specifications of the NFPA Standard 1231 (Standard on Water Supplies for Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting), as modified. New cisterns shall be accompanied by an affidavit, stamped by a Registered Professional Fire Protection Engineer, asserting that each cistern has been installed in compliance with the appropriate section of NFPA Standard 1231. New cisterns shall be inspected by the Fire Chief and shall be operational prior to issuance of any building permit.
    All public water supply hydrants and dry hydrants are to be installed, painted and operational prior to any building permits being issued. Public water supply hydrants shall be painted yellow, and dry hydrants shall be painted red.
    Fire hydrants shall be located as follows:
    Lanes: Fire hydrants shall be located on the opposite side of the street from the sidewalk at a minimum of five feet and less than 10 feet from the edge of pavement.
    Minor streets: Fire hydrants shall be located on the opposite side of the street from the sidewalk at a minimum of five feet and less than 12 feet from the edge of pavement.
    Collector streets: Fire hydrants shall be located between the edge of pavement and the sidewalk at a minimum of five feet and less than 12 feet from the edge of pavement.
    Culs-de-sac: Fire hydrants shall be at the far end of the cul-de-sac at a minimum of five feet and less than 10 feet from the edge of pavement.
    Sanitary sewers. Sanitary sewers shall be installed in conformance with the Regulations of Sewer Design, Construction and Use, adopted and amended by the Town of Groton Wastewater Committee. The Planning Board shall forward two copies of the definitive plan to the Wastewater Committee for its review and comment.
    Plan review. The Planning Board may expend funds deposited in the 593 Account (see Part 3, Fees, of this chapter) to engage engineers and other appropriate professionals in the review of the sewer plans to ensure compliance with the regulations.
    Pump stations. The design of any proposed wastewater facilities, including pump stations, must be approved by the Wastewater Committee. It is the applicant's responsibility to upgrade the pump station(s) when a subdivision is constructed in phases. The cost of such upgrading shall be included in the performance bond estimates. [See "Regulations of Sewer Design, Construction and Use," Section 4(b)(2).]
    Editor's Note: The Regulations of Sewer Design, Construction and Use is on file in the offices of the Wastewater Committee.
    Location. All wastewater facilities, including pump stations, must be located and have access on land owned by the Town with appropriate vehicular access provided. Such facilities and pump stations shall not be located within easement areas.
    Sewer connections. A building sewer connection shall be provided for each lot in the subdivision. The sewer connection shall be located along the frontage of the lot where the lot abuts the right-of-way of the road.
Amended 5-2-1996; 4-3-2003