§ 196-10. Special provisions.  

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  • A. 
    Public interest signs. Signs containing cautionary messages, such as "Beware of Dog" or "No Trespassing," shall be exempt from the permit requirements of this bylaw, provided they do not exceed two square feet in area.
    Directional and traffic safety signs. Signs indicating "entrance," "exit," "parking," or similar traffic directional information shall not exceed three square feet in area per sign. Provided these signs are erected on a lot pursuant to a Town or state regulation, they shall not be counted in the maximum sign number and sign area requirements for the lot.
    Political, ideological, charitable, or religious message. Display or expressions of political, religious, ideological or charitable ideas shall be exempt from the provisions of this bylaw, provided that no such sign shall be affixed to a traffic sign, tree or utility pole in a public way. Signs of such nature shall not exceed the maximum dimensional limitations permitted under this bylaw.
    "Open" flag. One "open" flag of three feet by five feet maximum dimension will be allowed per business with no permit required. Decorative flags are permitted on residences.
    Off-premises sign. Requires a permit and review as a "unique and special circumstance" and must have the property owner's written permission.