§ 190-11. Connections required.  

Latest version.
  • The owner or occupant of a building situated within the Four Corners Sewer District (the sewer system), as it may be amended, shall:
    In the case of an existing building within the sewer system as of the effective date of this Article III, connect said building to the sewer with an effective drain within one year of said effective date or, in the case of an extension of the sewer system, within two years of the date when said sewer is available for such connection.
    In the case of a new building within the sewer system constructed after the effective date of this Article III, or in the case of renovation of a building which would trigger the requirement to upgrade a subsurface sewage disposal system under the provisions of Title 5 of the State Environmental Code (310 CMR 15.000) or any successor regulation, connect said building to the sewer prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy by the Building Inspector.
    Authority. The Groton Sewer Commission, (or in its inability to act, the Select Board acting as such) and the Groton Board of Health shall both be responsible for compliance with and oversight of §§ 190-11 and 190-12 and may act independently and cooperatively within their respective areas of responsibility. The Groton Sewer Commission shall provide administrative services, such as maintenance of connection records for properties within the Sewer District and issuance of notices to property owners. The Groton Board of Health shall address matters of compliance, enforcement, and act upon applications for variances.