§ 153-2. Establishment of districts.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    There is hereby established an Historic District under the provisions of MGL C. 40C, bounded and described as follows:
    Beginning at a point on the center line of Main Street, at the southeast corner of the Prescott Common, thence running 300 feet northwesterly to a point opposite the boundary line between Lots 0263 and 0265; northeasterly along said boundary for 1,000 feet to a point in line with the westerly boundary of Lot 0262; thence approximately 1,450 feet to a point in the center of Lowell Road; westerly a distance of approximately 300 feet following the center of Lowell Road to a point 600 feet from the intersection of Lowell Road and Main Street, thence northwesterly on a line east of and parallel to Main Street, to a point in the center of Mayfield Road; south and westerly following the center of Mayfield Road to the center of Main Street at a point opposite Court Street; westerly on Court Street to a point 200 feet, thence on a line southeast and south 200 feet from and parallel to Main Street to a point in the center of Old Ayer Road, thence along the center of Old Ayer Road south of the Prescott Common to the point of beginning as shown on the Plan of Historic Districts of the Town of Groton dated March 10, 2003, said plan being on record with the Town Clerk.
    Beginning at a point in the center of Pleasant Street 300 feet east of the Common at the intersection of Pleasant Street and Mill Street, thence running 400 feet northwesterly, thence on a line southwesterly and southerly parallel to and northwest of Pleasant Street and west of Farmers Row to the center of Joy Lane, thence easterly on a line to a point 400 feet east of Farmers Row, then on a line northerly and northeasterly to a point at the intersection of the southwest corner of Lots 090 and 089, thence on a line to the center of Pleasant Street at the point of beginning as shown on the Plan of Historic Districts of the Town of Groton dated March 10, 2003, said plan being on record with the Town Clerk.
    Beginning at a point in the center of Mayfield Road and following the boundary line of Lots O-184 and O-182 to a point 200 feet east of the center of Hollis Street, thence running northerly parallel to the center of Hollis Street to a point midway between the boundary line of Lot J-120, thence northwesterly to a point 200 feet from the center of School Street on the boundary line of Lots J-115 and J-116; southwesterly from this point on a line parallel to and 200 feet northwesterly of School Street to the center of Main Street, thence along the center of Main Street to the intersection of Elm Street, southwesterly along the center of Elm Street for 200 feet, thence southeasterly parallel to and 200 feet southwesterly from the center of Main Street to the center of Court Street, then on a line in the center of Court Street to the center of Main Street, thence on a line southeasterly to the intersection of Hollis and Main Street and along the center of Mayfield Road to the point of beginning as shown on the Plan of Historic Districts of the Town of Groton dated March 10, 2003, said plan being on record with the Town Clerk.
Amended 3-16-1964 ATM, Art. 36; 4-28-2003 ATM, Art. 16