§ 407-6. Service connections.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Service connections shall be made under the direction of the Superintendent and/or his/her representative. No dwelling, house or other building or structure shall not be connected by any service pipe, nor shall any person otherwise use the water supplied by the Water Department, except with the consent of the Superintendent or his designee.
    Request for water service connections shall be made by the owner or his agent on application forms provided for that purpose. Applications must be filed and the system development fee paid prior to the work being performed. The estimated cost of such a service may be furnished by the Water Department on request. The owner or his agent will be billed for all parts, materials and labor provided to install water services.
    Single-family household connections shall be one inch. In all other cases, the owner or his agent (architect, contractor) shall consult with the Water Department Superintendent or his engineer to determine the proper size of service.
    The Water Department will not allow the water to be turned on to any new service unless all charges due the Water Department have been paid in full.
    All new or replacement service connections from the municipal water system to private dwellings, housing or other developments shall be constructed of materials purchased from the Water Department or shall meet its specifications, and all costs to connect and/or reconnect shall be at the expense of the applicant/owner/developer.
    Minimum one-inch copper tubing from corporation on main to service box.
    Minimum one-inch copper tubing (in contaminated areas) or one-inch plastic tubing will be used from service box to house plumbing.
    All plastic residential services will be sleeved through the foundation with a minimum PVC sleeving pipe of 2 1/2 inches.
    Wherever plastic tubing is used, a tracer wire will be installed.
    All parts and materials, with the occasional exception of sleeving, will be purchased from the Groton Water Department.
    Sufficient space shall be left for easy access to cellar valve, meter, check valve or any other appurtenances deemed necessary by the Water Department. The opening shall be at least three feet by two feet by 12 inches deep.
    Any required booster pumps and/or reducing valves need prior approval by the Superintendent.
    Only, authorized contractors working under Water Department supervision shall lay any service pipes from the municipal water system to the inside of the basement wall or such other point on the owner's premises as shall be designated. A suitable place shall be provided for the water meter.
    All work performed by outside contractors must be approved by the Groton Water Department. The Department may ask for proof of performance, and the Department's decision is final. Inspection will be by the Groton Water Department and/or its representative. The contractor will be charged at the current rate for such services. Record drawings of all services will be prepared and kept by the Water Department.
    Installation shall be at depth, bedding and other details as specified by the Water Department. Installation shall be performed by or under the direction of the Department or its designee. Installation shall be approved by the Department or its designee before trenching is backfilled.
    The Water Department in no way assumes any responsibility for reseeding of lawns or replacement of shrubs damaged in the performance of this work.
    The Water Department is responsible for the water main and any service line to the curb stop at the property line. The owner shall maintain in good condition all outside service pipes and fittings from the property line through the meter and shall protect it from freezing. Necessary repairs to meters and outside lines from the property line (leaks etc.), including complete service replacement, are the responsibility of the owner, and bills submitted for these charges are payable upon presentation.
    A fire service line is entirely the responsibility of the builder/homeowner from connection at main to structure and shall be separate from the domestic water service main.
    Building units/dwellings to be torn down and demolished shall have the water service discontinued a the water main unless otherwise approved by the Water Superintendent in writing. A subsequent, similar system development fee shall not be assessed.