§ 407-5. Water main construction or extension.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    It is the policy of the Water Department to cooperate with developers and to make high-quality domestic water and improved fire protection as widely available as possible to all who want or need it, at the lowest cost consistent with sound engineering for public health, safety, reliability and future maintenance. The Board of Water Commissioners assesses costs to new customers, existing customers and the Town as equitably as our discretionary powers make possible, commensurate with the benefits provided to each.
    Water main extension(s) shall conform with the Planning Board Subdivision Regulations, Chapter 381, Part 1: "If a public water supply is located within 2,500 feet from the center line of the proposed street, the applicant shall connect all lots to the public water system. If a public system is not located within 2,500 feet, water main and appurtenances shall be installed in the new subdivision road for a future connection to a public water supply."
    The Water Department will be provided with two sets of definitive plans two large twenty-four-inch by thirty-six-inch drawings through the Planning Board three weeks prior to the Planning Board hearing.
    Minimum size of the main required for new developments shall be determined solely by the Board of Water Commissioners.
    Prepared plans for water main construction and/or extension shall be submitted to the Groton Water Department for review, modification and approval by the Board of Water Commissioners. This review/approval process will be at the developer's expense. All requirements will be agreed to, in writing, by all parties, i.e., Groton Water Department, developer, contractor and engineer. This agreement will be signed at a preconstruction meeting before any construction begins. Any changes in specifications, including, but not limited to, materials, valves, tees, hydrants, loops or multiple connections to the municipal water system to avoid dead ends which, in the sole judgment of the Department or its representative, should be required, shall be incorporated into the plans and so constructed. If changes become necessary, new as-constructed plans shall be furnished promptly to the Department.
    All requirements of the Groton Highway Department must be met when working in the public right-of-way and approved as such.
    The Board of Water Commissioners retains the right to require an amount be put into an escrow account to cover the cost of all engineering services. Such an account will be controlled solely by the Board of Water Commissioners. All costs associated with establishing said account shall be paid by the proponent of the project. Any unexpended funds and accrued interest shall be returned to the proponent within 30 days upon satisfactory completion of the project.
    Distribution pipes constructed within a development by a developer to serve more than one building or to provide fire protection, or for both of these purposes, shall normally be laid within access roads and become the property of the Water Department, including easements for access and maintenance upon completion. Pipes of six inches or larger nominal diameter shall normally be looped. They shall be maintained by the developer or in default, by the Department, at the expense of the developer, until the road is accepted by the Town at a Town meeting. Exceptions shall require specific approval by the Board of Water Commissioners.
    For fire protection or for flushing of dead ends when these are permitted, the developer may include, or the Department may require, the installation of one or more fire hydrants. The Chief of the Groton Fire Department shall be consulted by the developer with the Water Department concerning the location and designed flow capacity of all new hydrant installations. Hydrants shall be served by pipes of six inches' minimum nominal diameter or from larger diameter mains if necessary for adequate fire flow. If the water distribution system is unable to deliver adequate fire flows at a proposed development site under all conditions, predicted by computer model or other means by the Water Department's engineers, a developer may be required to provide or to finance all or part of the cost of providing augmentation of flow capacity to the site by distribution system construction at locations remote from the development as a condition for furnishing water to the development.
    Hydrants in private developments shall be painted, with two coats of an approved paint, in Groton Water Department colors by the developer before acceptance by Water Department. Hydrants shall be located between seven and 10 feet from the edge of the roadway. For hydrants located less than seven feet from the traveled way, protection of the hydrants by bollards will be required.
    In order to ensure that Groton Water Department approved materials and procedures are used, a licensed engineer or a Groton Water Department designated representative will be on site and oversee all installation of water mains, gates and hydrants. When service taps and service lines are being installed, either a licensed engineer, his representative, or an employee of the Groton Water Department will be on site at all times. The cost of having an engineer, his representative or Water Department personnel on site will be borne by the developer. Installation must be approved by the engineer before trenching is backfilled. Any trench backfilled without inspection will be subject to being unearthed and backfill at the expense of the contractor developer.
    The Groton Water Department requires that any time anyone uses controlled density backfill products, it be placed no less than 2 1/2 feet (30 inches) above the top of the water main and/or water service, and the main or service will protected by polyethylene encasement in accordance with ANSI-AWWA C-105/A21.5.
    New mains will be pressure tested, disinfected and flushed by a testing service approved by the Groton Water Department. A test and disinfection report will be provided to the Department. Cost for this will be borne by the developer. Groton Water Department personnel will operate all preexisting gates to supply new pipelines with water for pressure testing, disinfection and flushing. Groton Water Department personnel will supervise flushing. After flushing and disinfecting, water to the subdivision will be turned off until satisfactory record drawings of mains and service taps and lines to the curb box are provided.
    It is the responsibility of the developer's engineer/surveyor to prepare final record drawings. Final drawings shall be Mylars and be provided by an electronic file in AutoCad.
    All new water mains that pass existing buildings, businesses or residences must be tapped and service lines run to a curb box at the property line at the developer's/contractor's expense.
    There will be bituminous concrete for 18 inches around all gate boxes at the developer's/contractor's expense.
    Contractors will be responsible for sloping, sheeting or shoring of trenches as required by applicable governmental laws and regulations. Safe trenches must be provided for the Groton Water Department personnel and/or their representatives as may be required and/or requested.